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Dark mode

If you use Sass to develop, there is a predefined placeholder selector for dark mode, this file is in /scss/helpers/_dark-mode.scss, in this file the %dark-mode selector is defined you can create your selectors by extending it.
Here is an example of a dark mode selector:

html.dark {
@extend %dark-mode;

or you can detect automatically if users prefer dark theme with CSS @media feature:

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
:root {
@extend %dark-mode;

Now if the <html> tag has the .dark class or the user prefers to have a dark theme, the dark mode will be applied.
Note that you should extend this selector as <html> tag because it changes CSS variables that are defined as the :root.

Simply by extending, it will change some CSS variables for dark mode state. Like this:

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
:root {
// Increase brightness
--flatify__hover-brightness: 110%;

// Background color
--flatify__bg-color: #10191c !important;
--flatify__bg-color-dark: #141f23 !important;
--flatify__bg-color-darker: #263b43 !important;
--flatify__bg-color-darkest: #385661 !important;
--flatify__color-light-light: #141f23 !important;
--flatify__color-light-primary: #10191c !important;
--flatify__color-light-dark: #263b43 !important;

// Text color
--flatify__txt-color: #f1f4f7;
--flatify__txt-color-dark: #ced9e3;
--flatify__txt-color-darker: #809cb6;
--flatify__txt-color-inverted: #141f23;
--flatify__color-dark-light: #f1f4f7;
--flatify__color-dark-primary: #ced9e3;
--flatify__color-dark-dark: #809cb6;