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Right to left

FlatifyCSS supports the right to left languages, we provide files with the -rtl suffix. on development page we have disgusted how files are compiled. if you run gulp or gulp release you will get the RTL files, however gulp watch does not compile files to RTL.

There is a file called flatify-rtl.scss it is just the main file but $IS_LTR is set to FALSE so we will get the RTL version of the files.

With Sass we decide values based on the $IS_LTR variable, for example:

body {
@if $IS_LTR {
direction: ltr;
} @else {
direction: rtl;

The snippet above will be compiled to (Left to right):

body {
direction: ltr;

and for (Right to left):

body {
direction: rtl;

So you can extend features for both LTR and RTL with this condition easily.