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FlatifyCSS is written in Sass, which we compile to CSS & JavaScript using Gulp, in this page we will cover the development process.

Code standards

To keep things clean and organized, we apply Code Guide rules for development.


To use Gulp, we need to install it globally with npm i gulp-cli -g, and then run npm install in the root directory of FlatifyCSS. If everything is okay, we can run gulp in the root directory to compile the FlatifyCSS stylesheet and JavaScript file.


In the root directory of FlatifyCSS, we have a /scss directory, which contains the Sass files we will use to build the FlatifyCSS stylesheet. There are two files in this directory: flatify.scss and flatify-rtl.scss. The flatify.scss file is the main file we use to extend the base stylesheet, and the flatify-rtl.scss file is used to compile stylesheets for RTL. Afterward to write your code to extend the current features create a file e.g. _my-file.scss and import it into the flatify.scss file.


JavaScript is the same as Sass, in the /js directory use the flatify.js file to extend features, we use Webpack so it is possible to use the import and export feature of ES6.

Gulp tasks

Inside the gulpfile.js all tasks are defined, you can use these tasks to compile files or watch for changes automatically.


Run a single task to compile scss and js files, this is the default task and consider changes as prerelease.


You can use the --ver parameter to set the desired version or use --type to change the bump version type. For example: --ver "1.0.0" or --type "minor". The default bump version type is prerelease.

gulp watch

Use this task to watch for changes in the scss and js directories to compile them, note that this task use development settings to speed up the compile process, so generated files are not safe for product usage.

gulp release

This task will create a release candidate, it will compile the scss and js files, bump version with patch type, commit all changes and create a tag.


You can use the --ver parameter to set the desired version or use --type to change the bump version type. For example: --ver "1.0.0" or --type "minor". The default bump version type is patch.
To change the commit and tag label you can set either --m or --desc parameters. For example: --m "Release 1.0.0" or --desc "Release 1.0.0".

Prevent auto commit and tag

To prevent auto commit and tag you can set --desc or --m parameters to empty string, for example: gulp release --m "".